Order allow,deny Deny from all BlackCycle gave a talk during the conference on « Recycling: what R&D needs for a sustainable and desirable city? » | Black Cycle

BlackCycle gave a talk during the conference on « Recycling: what R&D needs for a sustainable and desirable city? »

BlackCycle was invited to give a talk during the conference on Recycling: what R&D needs for a sustainable and desirable city?
the 2nd of December at the French National Institute for Applied Sciences of Lyon.

Organised by the French national association for Research & Technology, the French National Institute for Applied Sciences of Lyon (INSA) and the cluster Indura, the conference focused on the recycling to manage our production and consumption methods more responsibly. This key issue of ecological transition calls for new knowledge and skills in a wide variety of fields: materials, technologies, economic models, land management, legal rules and norms, cooperation strategies, behaviours, and representations, etc.

The objective of this conference was to identify the research needs in terms of recycling in the fields of construction, construction, and the city. The results are intended to feed the strategic visions of the actors, as well as the national research programming.

Jean-Michel Douarre, research program leader on sustainable raw materials at Michelin, Margarita Dorato, project manager at Michelin, Jean-Philippe Faure, R&D Director of Aliapur and Sébastien Béclin, coordinator of projects and innovation at Axelera gave a talk about recycling for sustainable mobility and the new interactions for circular strategies based on the H2020 BlackCycle project.

More information and details at https://www.anrt.asso.fr/fr/colloque-recyclage-quels-besoins-de-rd-pour-une-ville-durable-et-desirable-36551