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ICAMCYL « International Workshop on advancing sustainable resource management and substitution »

ICAMCYL is organizing a one-day international workshop in Seville on Thursday 14 March.

The day is will be split into several sessions and discussion groups.
The morning is divided into 7 15-minutes sessions. The themes covered will be as follows :

  • « Current Challenges in Resource Management for Free Magnets »
  • « Current Challenges in ELT value chain »
  • « Strategies for Sustainable Resource Management »
  • « Exploring Legal Frameworks -Raw Materials Act »
  • « Maximizing project efficiency: RMIS as a tool »
  • « JRC latest developments and future plans related the RMIS platform »
  • « Lesson learned from other projects and good practices in RMIS platform »

The afternoon will be devoted to networking session.


Are you interested in this event?

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Download the full programme


This day is supported by the European Commission, the Passenger project and the BlackCycle project.