WasteEng20 – May 31 – June 4, 2021 in VIRTUAL mode

Organised by WasteEng Conference Series, the IMT Mines Albi-Carmaux and the University of Guelph, the 8th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation supposed to be held in Guelph (Canada) in mid-July finally goes to a full virtual meeting between the 31st of May and 4th of June.

Since the time zones of the participants countries are very spread (from UTC-7 to UTC+10) the duration of the conference will be limited to 6 hours/day in live to keep strong interactions between the participants with live interactive sessions and discussions only opened to registered participants.

Two tools will be used: Whova © and Zoom ©.

  • Whova © is an interactive application adapted for computer and mobile devices (Android, IOS)
  • Zoom © will be used for live sessions. Each live and interactive session will be designed as a « face-to-face » event including the pre-recorded presentations and live Q&A sessions.

Among plenary speakers:

  • Robert C. Brown, Anson Marston Distinguished Professor in Engineering and Gary and Donna Hoover Chair in Mechanical Engineering at Iowa State University (ISU).
  • Gerasimos Lyberatos is currently professor in the School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens and a collaborating faculty member of the Institute of Chemical Engineering and High Temperature Chemical Processes (Foundation of Research and Technology Hellas).
  • Dr Ajit Sapre is President of R&T, Reliance Industries Ltd Group (India).


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