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BLACKCYCLE workshop : registration opening – July 2022

BLACKCYCLE workshop : registration opening

November, 2022, 22nd & 23rd


The BLACKCYCLE 2022 workshop is getting ready.
This year the workshop will be held in Zaragoza, Spain. This event aims to bring together the wider community of the BLACKCYCLE project.
Partners and stakeholders from various horizons are expected to come to Zaragoza and share the last news concerning BLACKCYLE.

Whether you are interested in the BLACKCYCLE solution, whether you have ideas for the consortium, whether you are expecting more circularity in society: THIS EVENT IS MADE FOR YOU.

You are welcome to this event in November,2022, 22nd &23rd to discover:

  • Project partners
  • Blackcycle results

You will have the pleasure to discover an interesting program with many presentations of BLACKCYCLE results and also concerning symbiotic European projects.
You will also be able to contribute to working groups dedicated to important themes for the BLACKCYCLE project:

  • Technological dissemination of BLACKCYCLE solutions
  • Social acceptance
  • Regulation & policy

You will have the opportunity to learn more and visit CSIC laboratories as well as the SISENER facilities (pyrolytic oil distillation columns), allowing you to see advanced technologies in a full scale industrial plant..
You will be amazed to see that the project is progressing rapidly, and that the dynamism of the teams makes possible to do great things.

The entire consortium is proud to share these advances with you and would like to benefit from your feedback to move in the right direction.

If you want more information about the program, you can find it on this page

Don’t hesitate to register today here

We do everything to facilitate your arrival and a bus is available from Lyon Perrache or Clermont-Ferrand in France to Zaragoza. Do not hesitate to inquire with the team. We are at your disposal.

The event is totally free or charge and accessible face-to-face or digitally. You will need to specify when registering whether you wish to come on site or follow the event online (one single choice).
One working group session will be available online.


Know more about the event