par Laura Grevon | Juin 4, 2021 | News
ESTATO Umweltservice GmbH is one industrial partner with long-term experiences in ELT recycling and as part of the H2020-Project BlackCycle involved in different workpackages but leader of workpackage 4 „Tyre selection“. Main goal of this WP is to ensure delivery of...
par Laura Grevon | Juin 4, 2021 | News
CPERI/CERTH has long expertise in the development of catalytic processes for the production of renewable energy and other products. Our involvement in BLACKCYCLE is two-fold: optimization of the pyrolysis process of End-of-Life-Tires by applying novel catalytic...
par Laura Grevon | Juin 4, 2021 | News
One central target of the BlackCycle project is to produce so-called Sustainable Carbon Black (sCB) from recovered oils (r-oil) from the pyrolysis process using End-of Life Tires (ELT) as feedstock. The primarily obtained oil is called Crude Tire Tar (CTT). This name...
par Laura Grevon | Fév 23, 2021 | News
About ESTATO Umweltservice GmbH The company A.T.U Auto-Teile-Unger was founded in 1985 and is now the market leader in the German automotive service sector. The company currently operates around 550 branches in Germany and Austria, and its business model is based on...
par Laura Grevon | Fév 23, 2021 | News
The 2nd of January 2021, Eleni Heracleous and Angelos Lappas from CPERI/CERTH, Dirk Rechenbach from Orion Engineered Carbons, Alexander Prokein from Estato Umweltservice GmbH, Pascal Klein from Pyrum Innovations and Michael Cogne from Michelin were invited to give an...
par Laura Grevon | Fév 23, 2021 | News
In last January, Dr Eleni Heracleous from CPERI/CERTH was invited to give an interview on the daily talk show O3 produced by a Greek national channel. She was also invited to give an interview during the news bulletin and in a radio show. During all these interviews,...
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